Using the CGI Servlet and HtAccessFilter with Jetty 6 to serve PHP applications

Scenario 1: Jetty configured as a general webserver

This approach configures a context to serve static files from the root context with *.php files to be processed by PHP and per directory .htaccess files to control access.

Drop this xml into $jetty.home/webapps/root/WEB-INF/web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- This is a template web.xml to serve as a root context                 -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<web-app xmlns=""
        metadata-complete="true" version="2.5">

        <description>Root Context</description>

    <!-- ================================================================= -->
    <!-- Run PHP in FastCGI mode and make sure it keeps running            -->    
    <!-- ================================================================= -->

                <param-value>/usr/bin/php-cgi -b localhost:7543</param-value>

    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- Set the resourceBase for our Servlets and Filters                  -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->
        <!-- Also need to make the container's default servlet use the same     -->


    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- Check HtAccess authorisation for all requests                      -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->



    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- Apply the PathInfoFilter for our PHP requests                      -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->


    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- The CGIServlet to invoke PHP via FastCGI                           -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->



    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- The CGIServlet to invoke Perl via Process exec                      -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->



Testing PHP

The phpinfo() function is very handy for testing your configuration as it will dump lots of information about the configuration.

Save the following to a file phpinfo.php into your webserver directory and navigate your browser to http://<yourjettyhost>/phpinfo.php and check the results are what you expect.

  <title>PHP Test</title>
        <?php phpinfo(); ?>